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New Biotechnology of Homo-Biotic Cycle (HBC)The New Biotechnology of Homo-Biotic is one of directions of close cycle of life-support system of the “Floating Island” Project. The new medical term of metabolic syndrome is shown up lately. This term came into our life, when complex of the number of serious diseases were discovered from some of sick men, and the scientists found a new disease and named it like “metabolic syndrome”. Metabolism is a metabolic conversion, simply speaking this phrase means that the sick man has a destroyed metabolic conversion on molecular, cellular and body level and the process of misbalance of human body is irreversible process. All kind of diseases of civilization, such as: fatness, pancreatic [insular] diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure (hipertonia), oncological diseases and others are the confirmation of metabolic syndrome. The main reason of degradation is the degradation of human environment and as an irresistible result is degradation of foodstuffs. More than 100 years ago the founder of genetic soil science of Russian professor Mr. Dokuchaev V. Vasiliy explained that status of the soil is the mirror where the body and the soul of the man are reflected. Professor Dokuchaev told that the European technologies are not done for us because these technologies base on the principle of supply vegetable kingdom (plant) of outside nutrient (chemical fertilizer). In spite of visible achievements of the balanced feeding theory, this theory has the serious mistakes. The main mistake is the generation of better food at the expense of food enrichment by the substances which participate in metabolism and removal of ballast and hazardous [harmful] substances. So the present bread, different king of grains, butter and oil, juice and many other foods are refined. The scientists from different countries announce that we are expecting growth of systemic diseases. Likely the cardinal arrangements (measures) are known. We combined the measures in one technology named Biotechnology of Homo-Biotic Cycle. Biotechnology of Homo-Biotic Cycle (HBC) is the cycle of the biogenic (organic) matter, power and information directed by homo-sapiens (intelligent man). The ethical, ecological and economic expedience of HBC is evident. The second part of HBC is under the ground.
Humus (black earth, chernozem soil) –generating organisms increase biomass more than 1000 times within one year in real conditions made by the homo-sapiens (intelligent man). The main expenses (up to 85%) go to purchase of feed within growing of any animals. The feed for humus-generating organisms is waste products. We can adapt Humus–generating organisms for recycling of any kind of organic fertilizer, and petrochemicals even. We can replicate the nature process which is going for creation of virgin black earth (chernozem soil). We received high-productive soil, we called it eco-chernozem. High productivity of eco-chernozem explains that the eco-chernozem is the more comfortable soil for flora and fauna of habitat for soil organisms. The basement of eco-chernozem reconstruction is the technology of recycling of organic waste by soil organisms. We can replicate the nature process making the soil solution which is the feed for plants.
And the main thing is not efficiency of production of humus-generating organisms, the main key is we reconstruct the nature process of productivity reproduction and make full-fledged foodstuffs. The man (human) can provide all he needs by himself, producing homo-biotic cycle and cultivate not more that 5 per cent of farmland only. For example, the biotic productivity of “dark farmland” for growing of cereal crops greenery (greens) in terms of 1 hectare is 150 tons of healing greenery (greens) per day. Our technology of growing of cereal crops greenery (greens) in “dark farmland” on biotic productivity is more than 500 times better than water meadows, so requirements of arable land are decrease considerably. Under technology of Homo-Biotic Cycle (HBC) the human (man) provides with full-fledged foodstuffs by himself, not destroying but cooperating with environment. The limit factor of technology of Homo-Biotic Cycle (HBC) is solar energy only. The homo-sapiens (intelligent man) can restore of our history if he restore of nature cycle of biogenic (organic) matters. The homo-sapiens (intelligent man) can speed up the process of restore and using of technology of Homo-Biotic Cycle (HBC). The first task of the homo-sapiens (intelligent man) is restore of rich soil. In XX – XXI centuries the Russian scientists managed to collect the samples of the soil which has never been turned up and in simulated conditions they created the soil which is exceeded the virgin black earth (chernozem soil) on its prolific quality and we named it as “eco-chernozem”. The base of restore of black earth (chernozem soil) is the technology of processing of organic waste by soil bacteria.
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